image showing students presenting

Peer presentation rating system

Keeping your students engaged!

Benefits of peer assessment

  • Peer assessment is an arrangement for learners to consider and specify the level, value, or quality of a product or performance of other equal-status learners. (Keith J. Topping, 2009)
  • Benefits: (source: AR@AKU Assessment Resources)
  • - Helps students develop their judgmental skills when they assess the work of other group members.
  • - Discourages the problem of 'free rider' because students tend to put extra effort to perform better in front of their peers.
  • - Students learn how to criticize, evaluate and apply other generic skills during the process.
  • - Students learn more from each others' work.
  • - Encourages students to critically reflect each others' work.

image showing 5 star rating

The first steps to use 2PRS:

  • Login and enter your course and presentation dates.
  • Post the course ID for your students.

Using the course ID, students will be able to:

Once students do these teacher/professor will be able to:

  • View presentations and the link that you should post for students to rate a presentation.
  • View groups and group members.
  • Edit/delete course entries.
  • View ratings.

As your next step:

  • Click on the Tutorial-Teacher tab for a step-by-step guide, or
  • Go straight to the registeration page to register and enter your course.

Group Presentation and
Student-Centered Learning

Peer Evaluation

Group Presentation skills

How to rate presentations

Online Teaching Skills/Research

Student-Centered Learning

Image attribution:

Teachers: How to use 2PRS for your class

All you need to do, in a nutshell: Log in to your account and enter your course and give the course ID to your students. The students will use the ID to create their groups and presentations.

Here are the basic steps that are explained in the paragraphs that follow.

  1. Create an account.
  2. Log in to your account and enter your course information. The system will generate a unique course ID for you.
  3. Share the course ID with your students.
  4. Students will use the course ID to create their groups. The system will display and email to them their group ID.
  5. Students will use their course and group IDs to enter their presentation. The system automatically generates a rating link for each presentation, which is viewable by the course instructor only.
  6. After a group's presentation, share the rating link with the class to rate the presentation.
  7. Log in to your account to see the individual and average ratings.

What you are able to do with the system

Once your course, groups, and presentations have been set, you will be able to:

  • View and modify your course.
  • View groups and their members.
  • Track student presentations and their scheduled dates.
  • View presentation ratings.
  • Analyze ratings based on presentation types to identify preferred types.

Detailed steps on how to use the system

  1. Visit the Register/Login page.
  2. Choose between the Personal and Corporate registration options.
  3. Complete the registration form and click Register. Ensure your password is stored securely, your email will serve as your login username.
  4. Upon successful registration, you will receive a confirmation message.

  1. Navigate to the Login page.
  2. The login form will be displayed by default.
  3. Enter your email and password, then click Login.
  4. This will direct you to the Add and View Courses and Presentations page. The Add Course tab will be open. If not, click on it to open.
  5. Fill in all required fields in the form: Course name (or code), course year, start date, term, class section, presentation dates (multiple dates can be selected), and specify the number of presentations per day (minimum of 1). If more than one presentation is selected for a day, the system will create multiple entries for that same date.
  6. Click Save.
  7. A confirmation message will appear, and you will also receive an email with the course ID.
  8. Share the course ID with your students so they can create their groups and presentations.

  1. Click on the View/Delete Course tab.
  2. You will see a list of your courses along with their ID numbers.
  3. Use the update buttons and delete checkboxes to delete or update your courses as needed.

  1. Click on the Groups and Presentations tab.
  2. You will see a dropdown menu for presentations.
  3. Select date to view presentations by date.
  4. Rating links will be displayed at the bottom of the table for each presentation.

  1. Click on the Groups and Presentations tab.
  2. A page will appear with dropdown menus for groups.
  3. Select course ID to view groups and group members.

  1. Click on the View Ratings tab.
  2. Two dropdown menus will appear to view ratings by presentation title and presentation type.
  3. To view ratings of presentations (first box), select title of presentation and click view ratings. Individual and average ratings for the selected presentation will be displayed.
  4. To view ratings by presentation type, select the course and click view rating. The average ratings of all the different presentations for the course will be listed by the type of presentation. You can view the information in a barchart form by clicking on the Display chart button.
image showing ratings by presentation type
View ratings by presentation type

Guide for students

This section guides students on how to:

  • Enter or create a group (or individual student if organized that way).
  • Enter or create a presentation.

Entering your group and presentation

Once your teacher/professor provides you with the course ID you can enter your group and presentation. First you have to enter your group and then your presentation.

  1. Go to groups and presentations.
  2. Click on the Enter group tab if it is not open already.
  3. In the Enter group form, first enter your group's name or title.
  4. Second enter your group members names or your name only if individual. Enter first and last names on separate lines
    For example:
    • Nancy Smith
    • John Cameron
    • etc..
  5. Next enter the course ID that was provided to you by your teacher/prof.
  6. In the following field, enter your email address to receive your group's ID and name. You will need this ID to create your presentation.
  7. Next, if you want to delete and old entry and replace it with a new group, enter your old group ID and check the checkbox to confirm.
  8. Click Save.
  9. You will be notified that your new entry has been saved successfully and your group ID will be displayed. Note your group ID down because, as already stated, you will need it when you enter your presentation.


Once you have your course ID from your teacher/professor and you have your group ID, you can now enter your presentation.

  1. Go to groups and presentations.
  2. Click on the Enter presentation tab.
  3. First enter the course ID that was provided to you by your teacher or prof.
  4. Next enter your group ID, the ID you obtained when you entered your group.
  5. Next click Submit. This will open a new form in which you can enter the details of your presentation.
  6. First, enter your presentation title.
  7. Next enter a description for your presentation. This might be short or long depending on the instructions provided by your teacher/prof.
  8. Finally chose a date for your presentation and click Save. These are dates that have been entered by your teacher/prof.
  9. You will be receive a message stating that your presentation has been entered successfully. Note that if the system finds the same group and course ID the old presentation will be updated with the new entries.


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